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Image by Jeremy Hynes

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List of FoXervices

Image by Dušan veverkolog

Five o'Clock

Online Ukrainian-, Russian- and English-speaking parenting groups based on International Child Development Program (ICDP). The areas of focus are migration-related adaptation and the feminist approach.

Individual Parenting Coaching

You can choose between 1-on-1, you & kid, and you & partner format.

Image by Timothy Brown
Image by Nathan Anderson

GAIN approach

GAIN is my copyright approach which is based on narratology, individual psychology, and art therapy. It is a combined group and 1-on-1 coaching program that will help you to put together different parts of your personality and create your unique story. We will write it together. finding new motivations, insights, and inspirations. 


It is a unique combination of a parenting program and basic information about elements of modern society which I believe every parent should be aware of.  You will learn more about concepts of social justice, transformational leadership, diversity, inclusion, gender, and sexuality. 

Image by Max Kleinen
Image by Oleh Morhun

Inner Child

We used to talk about Inner Child regarding childhood trauma - which is true! However, your Inner Child does have the capability to become a precious source of your internal power. So, let's talk to them!

All About YOUth

"It's too late, my child is a teen, and our relationships leave much to be desired," - that is what I hear from time to time from parents. It's never too late, and if you feel that you need to restore your ties with your yesterday-cute-baby during this very special age - this program is right for you! You just need some extra information to consider and some adjustments to your existing approach. 

I am a child who had no trustful relationships with my parents... I am 40, and I am still waiting for them to take that step toward me. Believe me, your sincere interest and your awareness will be highly appreciated!

Image by Nathan Anderson
Image by Birger Strahl


ICDP program just in 6 sessions - for independent researchers! You will learn core concepts and then move in your own style and rhythm. A complimentary personal session is available in a month after you finish 6 sessions. 

Research by request*

Psychological / parenting education is my personal mission. I invite you to collaborate! Request information on the question of your interest in a specified or related field and get a post, a report, a presentation, or infographics made just for you! Invite your friends or followers to the discussion!

*This service is donation-based, your donation will help another parent who cannot allow paying for the program, to get an appropriate help

Image by Daniil Silantev
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